
About Us

Welcome to Mathura Sainik (P)School, a prestigious institution with a steadfast commitment to developing tomorrow's leaders. We take great satisfaction in being a respected institution. Our path has been defined by our unwavering dedication to the academic, personal, and spiritual development of each and every student who has ever entered our doors.

Mission and History

At Mathura Sainik (P)School, we believe that every student has untapped potential that can only be achieved through high-quality education. We work hard to provide a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom to instil ethics, develop leaders, and promote critical thinking. Our organization's long history is a testament to our commitment to this goal. Chandanvan Public School, which is now known as Mathura Sainik (P)School was established in 2002 and has consistently pursued academic excellence. Then applied to the Sainik School Society in 2022, as Mathura Sainik (P)School. We started as a humble and ambitious school, but through our dedication to excellence and hard work, we have become a major player in the education sector.


The lives of so many students who have passed through our school doors over the years are the tapestry that makes up our history. These stories demonstrate our commitment to providing an education that goes beyond what is taught in textbooks and lecture halls. The values of discipline, honesty and responsibility that are the foundation of our educational approach have been demonstrated time and again by our students and as a result, they have become more than just academic success stories. but also become important leaders in their field.

Our organization's longevity is a testament to the power of education to shape the future. It reminds us that education, ethics and leadership can change everything. We are committed to building on the rich heritage of Mathura Sainik (P)School so that our students can meet challenges decisively and professionally and seize the opportunities of the future.

Our Core Values

At Mathura Sainik (P)School, we don't just say that we desire to be the greatest; instead, we actually become the best. We are committed to maintaining the highest educational standards and are constantly looking for new opportunities for growth and success. Our core values of leadership, discipline, and honesty influence the development of each student's personality. We think education should be more than just learning facts; it should equip students to meet the demands of real life.


Our World-Class Infrastructure:Our spacious campus exemplifies our commitment to creating the ideal setting for student development. We recognize the significance of a supportive environment in a student's growth. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure supports academic and extracurricular activities with spacious classrooms, laboratories, and libraries. Our sports facilities support a wide variety of games, allowing students to develop their physical skills alongside their academic ones. Students are more likely to be successful in class if they feel comfortable and secure in their surroundings.

Dedicated Faculty:It takes a team of passionate educators to raise a successful student. Our faculty members are not only excellent educators but also invaluable mentors and advisors. They care deeply about our pupils and make sure they have every opportunity to succeed. Teachers and students at Mathura Sainik (P)School have an excellent connection that helps provide a safe space for children to learn from one another and pursue their individual passions.

A Legacy of Achievements:The success of Mathura Sainik (P)School is unquestionable. We have a history of excelling in the classroom, on the field, and in other extracurricular pursuits. Our alumni have gone on to achieve success in many different arenas, including business, politics, science, the arts, and more. We're really proud of them and hope that their success will inspire others to follow in our footsteps and strive for perfection.

Student Achievements:Academic Excellence. Regularly ranking in the top tier of national and international academic competitions is a norm for our students. Many of them have won renowned honours and scholarships for their academic achievements.

Sports Champions:Athletes from Mathura Sainik (P)School have gone on to achieve great success at the state, national, and even worldwide levels. Our students have excelled in competitions on behalf of their schools, districts, and even the country, returning with numbers of medals and certificates of achievement.

Debating and Public Speaking:Our students consistently place high in the national debate and speech contests. They have debated with elegance and eloquence on behalf of our institution at both the inter-school and national levels.

Cultural Performances:The creative abilities of Mathura Sainik (P)School's youngsters are a source of great pride. Our students' performances in music, dance, theatre, and the visual arts have been highly regarded in festivals and institutions across the country.

Science and Innovation:A culture of scientific curiosity and creativity is encouraged here. Our students' dedication to the scientific method is reflected in the number of awards they've won at regional, national, and international science fairs and in the number of applications they've filed for their ideas.

Leadership Roles:Students at Mathura Sainik (P)School often take on leadership roles in various student groups. Responsible and proactive, they help make the school a welcoming place for all students.

Community Service:Students at Mathura Sainik (P)School often take on leadership roles in various student groups. Responsible and proactive, they help make the school a welcoming place for all students.

Achievements in Olympiads:Many of our students have gone on to win prestigious honours for their outstanding achievements in the many academic Olympiads in which they have participated.

Literary Achievements:The students at Mathura Sainik (P)School are known for their literary enthusiasm. They've proven their writing capabilities by placing high in contests for poetry, fiction, and essays.

National Defense Services:Our school is proud of the alumni who have gone on to serve our nation as military personnel after graduating from Mathura Sainik (P)School. Their loyalty to their country and willingness to defend it are shining examples of the ideals that our school strives to teach to its students. These honours and awards show that Mathura Sainik (P)School students are well-rounded and successful. The achievements of our students are a direct reflection of our dedication to fostering success in the classroom, on the athletic field, in the arts, in the student body, and in community service.

Our Vision for the Future:Looking ahead, we hope to maintain a flexible and responsive approach to the ever-shifting demands of the educational system. We hope to broaden our offerings and incorporate cutting-edge innovation into our curriculum. Mathura Sainik (P)School will always generate leaders who are responsible, competent, and compassionate, and who make good contributions to society because of our unwavering dedication to these ideals.


Future Initiatives

Digital Learning Integration The Mathura Sainik (P)School is dedicated to utilizing the most recent developments in educational technology. We will keep growing our digital learning activities in the upcoming years. To improve our students' learning experiences, we incorporate cutting-edge digital materials, interactive online platforms, and virtual classrooms. By giving students cutting-edge digital tools and abilities, we hope to get them ready for a tech-driven future.

Global Outreach Programs: We are committed to helping our students develop a global mindset. Our goal is to connect students from all around the world through international exchange programs, international collaboration initiatives, and global relationships with educational institutions. Our kids will benefit greatly from these efforts because they will be given the opportunity to learn about and engage with people and ideas from all over the world.


STEM Center of Excellence

The Mathura Sainik (P)School values STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education because of its relevance in the modern world. The STEM Center of Excellence we are currently creating will have state-of-the-art laboratories, robotics facilities, and STEM-focused academic courses. Through this program, we hope to inspire our kids to pursue careers in the STEM industries and become tomorrow's creative thinkers and problem-solvers.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub

We encourage youngsters to think creatively and act independently. We hope to accomplish this by creating an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub. Here, students will be able to receive guidance from industry professionals, access a wealth of resources, and obtain hands-on business experience.

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

The students and faculty at Mathura Sainik (P)School care deeply about protecting the environment. On campus, we hope to build green areas, institute recycling and composting rules, and install renewable energy sources in the near future. These actions will not only lessen our impact on the environment, but they will also foster in our pupils a lifelong commitment to protecting it.

Community Engagement and Outreach

As an institution, we value community involvement highly. In the coming years, we plan to increase student participation in community service, social projects, and other efforts that aim to improve the local and global communities. Our kids will grow as people and as future leaders as a result of these opportunities.

Professional Development for Faculty

We value our educators highly because of the impact they have on our students. Continuous professional development programs will be provided to keep our educators at the cutting edge of educational techniques. This will give our educators the tools they need to give their children the best possible education.

Infrastructure Enhancement

Students at Mathura Sainik (P)School should expect nothing less than a first-rate educational experience. Classrooms will be updated, library resources will be enlarged, athletic facilities will be renovated, and dormitories will be upgraded to create a really great campus.

Join the Mathura Sainik (P)School Family

Here at Mathura Sainik (P)School, we'd be honoured to have you join our community. Every student has the capacity for greatness, and it is our mission to help them realize that potential. One student at a time, with your help, we can mould a better tomorrow. Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries or would like more information about our organization. We're excited to have you join us here on campus and help you along your educational path.


Fostering Holistic Development through
Co-curricular Activities at Mathura Sainik (P)School


Athletics and sports

We include athletics and sports in our curriculum and offer a range of speciality clubs for students who want to focus on developing certain talents.


Leadership Training

Many conferences, seminars, and training programmes for leaders have as their goal to prepare students for positions of responsibility in the future.


Social Service & Community Engagement

We are steadfast in our commitment to giving back to society and participating in the communities in which we reside. Our business promotes student volunteering as a means of developing compassion and civic engagement.


Debates and Public Speaking

To improve their public speaking skills and confidence, students are strongly encouraged to take part in debates, elocution competitions, and other speaking activities.


Adventure & Outdoor Activities

We plan outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and exploring new places as part of our attempts to promote a spirit of exploration and collaboration.


Workshops & Career Guidance

To assist students in deciding what they want to do with their lives after high school and in their professions, we offer workshops, seminars, and career guidance.


Science and Robotics

If young people are interested in conducting research, coming up with innovative ideas, and participating in robotics competitions, we encourage them to join our science and robotics club.